What is Accident Insurance?
This coverage is designed to help offset medical and out-of-pocket costs associated with unforeseen accidents. Payments made directly to you and benefits do not offset with medical insurance.
Plan Rules:
Eligibility: Eligible full-time employees working 20+ hours/week, spouse, and dependent children* (up to age 26)
Coverage through MetLife
No health questions – Every Year!
Keep your coverage even if you retire or change employers
The chart below is a sample of covered services. Please see Plan Certificate for a detailed listing of services in their entirety.
*Child marital status impacts benefit eligibility
Contact Campus Benefits for assistance with claims.
Email: mybenefits@campusbenefits.com
Call 1-866-433-7661, option 5

Don’t forget to file your annual Wellness Benefit! CLICK HERE to access the Wellness Incentives page for additional details.