What are Flexible Spending & Dependent Care Accounts?
Flexible Spending Accounts are pre-tax benefit accounts used to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs such as deductibles, co-pays, prescribed medication, and some over the counter medications.
Dependent Care Accounts are pre-tax benefit accounts used to pay for dependent care services such as preschool, summer day camp, before or after school programs, and child or elder daycare.
Plan Rules:
Eligibility: Full-time employees working 20+ hours/week, spouse, and children (up to age 13 for Dependent Care and up to age 26 for Medical FSA)
Coverage through Medcom
Plan year: January 1st - December 31st
Only family status changes will allow you to change your annual election. The altered election must be consistent with the status change
Married and not filing jointly participants limited to $2,500 deferral for Dependent Care
Transfer of funds between the Dependent Care and Medical Care accounts are not allowed
**NOTE: BCS Childcare NOW eligible to use Dependent Care funds
Contact Campus Benefits for assistance with claims.
Email: mybenefits@campusbenefits.com
Call 1-866-433-7661, option 5

What is covered under Medical FSA Account?
Medical coinsurance and deductible
Doctor’s office visit copays
Emergency Room costs
Dental copays and out-of-pocket costs
Vision copays and out-of-pocket costs
Contacts and Glasses
Please see the full eligibility list for other covered expenses
Who is covered under a Dependent Care Account?
Children ages 12 and under (including stepchildren, grandchildren, adopted or foster children, and children related to you who are eligible for a tax exemption on your federal tax return).
Tax dependents residing with you and incapable of self-care (this could include your spouse, a child age 13 and over, and elderly parents).
The CARES Act permanently reinstates over-the counter products, and adds menstrual care products for the first time, as eligible expenses for your FSA funds WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION!
Eligible items for purchase without a prescription now include, but are not limited to:
Pain relief medications, e.g., acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium
Cold & flu medications
Allergy medications
Acne treatments
Eye drops
Stomach & digestive aids
Pads, Tampons and Menstrual sponges
Sleep aids
Children’s pain relievers, allergy medicines, and digestive aids